Best of 2010: Singles [TOP 10]

Click here for the full listing.

Finally the time has come to reveal my Top 10 Best of 2010 Singles.
Thought long and hard which wasn’t easy to do.
But as mentioned before the tracks are based from the Singles Chart that were #1 on this site.
Its going to be obvious that this band is #1 since they did make a big impact in 2010.
Let’s cheer or jeer on the Top 10 Singles of 2010.

  1. Arcade FireThe Suburbs (#1 on Chart #7 & #8)
  2. Its been the year of Arcade Fire.
    Something about this song is the not the usual Arcade Fire.
    It has more of the Neil Young mellow sound that we are not used to.
    Still people are more compelled with the music of Arcade Fire.
    The music video is a teaser for this unknown Spike Jonze short film which is kind of mysterious.
    The best single of 2010??

  3. BlurFool’s Day (#1 on Chart #1)
  4. The day Blur gets back to together for a new record will surely make me jump for joy.
    Since Damon is currently busy with Gorillaz material.
    In part of Record Store Day, the somewhat re-united band released this 7′ inch single called Fool’s Day.
    It has that certain “Britishness” feel and reminds me of “Coffee & TV”.
    Leaves you wanting more from them.

  5. Basia BulatThe Shore (#1 on Chart #12)
  6. Surprised this hasn’t been on anyone’s best of 2010 list.
    It is on my list and there is something about this song which is sad and tragic.
    The talented Basia does this song so well on the hammer harp.

  7. Ruby CoastWhatever This Is (#1 on Chart #21#22#23#24)
  8. A very mature than what we hear from them.
    More guitaring sounds and a straightforward pop-rock track.
    Hopefully the Aurora band will release the long awaited full-length in 2011.
    So far in 2010 they only released this song and Creep Me Out.
    Those curious about the music video, its Justice McLellan’s dad, Ben Landau (ex Burn Planetarium) and some girl named Catlyn.

  9. StarsFixed (#1 on Chart #2#3)
  10. 2010 was a welcome return for Stars.
    First single off from The Five Ghosts.
    I really love Fixed, it has that new wave pop feel to it.
    Reminds me of “Set Yourself on Fire” and “Ageless Beauty”.

  11. WomenEyesore (#1 on Chart #15#16#17 )
  12. The summer single of 2010.
    Apparently it wasn’t the leading single off from Public Strain which was mistakenly released.
    This six minute epic song has that Women lo-fi rocking (Beach Boyish) sound.
    Hope the band gets back together after their rest.

  13. The Belle GameShoulders & Turn (#1 on Chart #6)
  14. I found out about The Belle Game this year.
    Since half the members are in Montreal and Vancouver.
    Love “Shoulders & Turn” which is a very catchy poppy track.
    The music video is cool too.
    Hopefully they will be back in 2011.

  15. The AcornRestoration (#1 on Chart #5)
  16. Highest placing for an Ottawa band in this list.
    This song has that great rock feel and a strong lyrical song.
    Really interesting music video with the whole time lapse.

  17. ShadRose Garden (#1 on Chart #14)
  18. 2010 was a great year for Shad.
    A critic darling and winning alot of new fans with the album TSOL.
    Rose Gardens has great catchy beats and chrous thanks to Lisa Lobsinger who sings on the track.
    A great music video.

  19. Broken Social SceneWorld Sick
    Broken Social Scene came back big time with this epic song.
    One would say the song can be political or another be about the band itself.
    Still one of the best song off from Forgiveness Rock Record.

Tomorrow is the Top 10 Canadian albums of 2010.
Top Canadian Blogs - Top Blogs

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