Blue Hawaii – Untogether [Streaming]

On March 4th, Blue Hawaii will finally drop their long awaited second album “Untogether”!
I still think Blooming Summer is a album not a EP.
With the popularity of the indie dance electro-pop music acts from Braids, Purity Ring and Grimes.
While Braids is on temporary backburner (Don’t worry! They will probably have a new album later this year)
I think Blue Hawaii should definitely get the big break they deserves.
Well considering “Untogether” is being stream on Pitchfork.

For those that don’t know, Blue Hawaii is Agor and Raphaelle Standell-Preston (Braids).
Here is a small blurb about Untogether”
The two decided to make Untogether in 2012; they began recording on New Years Day in Vancouver and intermittently worked on the project until summer broke in Montreal.
The music followed their winter in Canada, it became colder, more introspective.
It again captured a time and place, but instead of a dense saturation of love and excitement, this record reflects the vast world of self-awareness and delicacy.
It takes for its subject the question of belonging, despite overwhelming space.

The eleven tracks on the album is filled with great beautiful, spacious, dreamy and luscious music.
Adding with the amazing vocals of Raph and the electro-beats of Alex.
The theme of not being together is very dominant with tracks like Follow, In Two and Sierra Lift.
I feel Try To Be is the only weak track. (I let that slide :P)
While we get scorching dance-floor beats in In Two II and probably Follow.
But the rest of the tracks are truly amazing to listen and just dream that you are on a nice sunny beach sipping a drink.
Overall Untogether is one of their best works and a step up from Blooming Summer.

RIYL: Braids, Bjork, Grimes and Pruity Ring
Untogether gets: 📷📷📷📷📷📷📷📷📷📷/10.


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