Ellie Goulding – Your Song

Surprised this song has not made it to #1 in the UK Singles Chart.
I am talking about Ellie Goulding‘s Your Song.
Yes it was made famously by Elton John.

Her version is more piano ballady style.
Its the singing voice that just impresses me the most.
I know there will be naysayers and be like “She shouldn’t touch a classic song and leave it as it be”.
But its a great wintery holiday track.
The song is being featured on an Christmas ad for John Lewis. (Its like British version for Sears, The Bay, and Macy’s)
Its one of those surprising songs I heard in 2010.
In a few months time, she will hit it big in North America due to this song or good word of mouth.


  1. Meetyouattheshow

    looove this song. thanks ming. ellie’s actually been on my radar for quite some time now. since just before kick ass came out. what a voice. cant wait to hear what she will put out next.

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