Today the Montreal-based called La Sécurité dropped their anticipated debut album Stay Safe! via Mothland.
A cool artsy new-wave post-punk album that feels classic and modern.
About the album by La Sécurité:
La Sécurité’s art-punk is equal parts jumpy beats, off-kilter arrangements, and minimalistic melodic hooks, all run through an insomniac filter — the result of excessive exposure to Montreal’s neon lights. The music is eminently sharp and danceable, while the lyrics share the feminist community-centric ethos of the Riot Grrrl movement. “It’s not just fun and games… it also bites. It’s catchy earworms delivered with a punk attitude,” guitarist Melissa Di Menna says.
After years of working with their many different projects (Choses Sauvages, Laurence-Anne, Silver Dapple, DATES, Pressure Pin, etc.), the motley bunch now meanders the fringes of punk, new wave and krautrock, mischievously flouting stylistic form every chance they get. Stay Safe!’s album art, designed by Di Menna, reflects this approach; scattered entities coming together and falling into place organically.
For their first full-length album, the collective turned to producer Samuel Gemme at Gamma Recording Studio (Corridor, Population II), crafting songs that are empowering and flush with urgency, yet also reflective and at times tinged with melancholy. Stay Safe! is manic, yet surprisingly laid-back, and should no doubt strike a chord with fans of Le Tigre, Automatic, Wet Leg, Devo, E.S.G. or The B-52’s.
Stay Safe! gets: 📷📷📷📷📷📷📷📷/10.