Have a listen to No Filter for June 8, 2015. HOUR ONE: No Filter [HOUR ONE] – June 8, 2015 by Photogmusic on Mixcloud HOUR TWO: No Filter [HOUR TWO] …
The final night of Wavelength 15 took place at the Garrison. Definitely a cold night to remember. The night started off with BART who are on Idee Fixe Records. The …
It was a jam packed show on No Filter. In the first hour of the show, I had a phone interview with Sage of Shred Kelly. In the second hour …
Finally it is time to reveal my top 14 albums of 2014. It was a no brainer who is #1 but the rest took alot of time deciding So here …
Here is the best of 2014 for remixes. So let yourself loose and dance to these songs. While you are puzzled or scratching your head to why these songs got …
Here is my Top 40 singles/music videos of 2014. This list goes by what I have been playing the most on my listening devices or what I feel is the …
Listen to today’s show for December 1, 2014 on CHUO 89.1 FM. Hour One Photogmusic Live – December 1, 2014 Hour One http://photogmusic.com/?p=31421 by Photogmusic on Mixcloud Hour Two Photogmusic …
You can call it the unofficial after party for Wufest2014, I had to go because I really wanted to see Mozart’s Sister. Also it was the first snow fall of …
Today on my radio show on CHUO FM. I was trying to spread the word out for WuFest taking place at the Blacksheep Inn So I played the acts who …
I was away last week because I was coming back from Halifax. It was also SOCAN music week. So I had to play all things Canadian (Minus one which was …