It was a busy Thursday night with some art openings/vernissages around Ottawa. Decided to hit up to Babylon Nightclub for this fun night of dance music which was sponsored by …
Have a listen to the October 3rd of No Filter on CHUO 89.1 FM. I had a phone interview with Catherine Sinclair who is the senior curator of Ottawa Art …
Since Bluesfest is over and done, things in Ottawa should be back to normal. Have a listen to No Filter. HOUR ONE: HOUR TWO: PLAYLIST: Steve Adamyk Band – She’s …
It was a Canadian Thanksgiving on No Filter. Played mostly alot of music. Reminder that CHUO FM will be having their funding drive from Oct 19 – 25. Next Monday …
I was very curious about this new Record Club called Vinyl Me, Please. After contemplating and deciding, I finally caved in and decided to join in. I finally got my …
Finally it is time to reveal my best of 2014 list. Starting off with the Canadian albums of 2014. The Top 14 will be revealed on my radio show on …
It’s that time where everyone is doing their best of 2014 list. While I haven’t compiled the albums/singles and what not. Here is the list of album covers that came …
It was a busy day on my radio show. Played tracks of acts who performing in Ottawa this weekend. Alot taking place at House of Targ. In the second hour …
Today on my radio show on CHUO FM. I was trying to spread the word out for WuFest taking place at the Blacksheep Inn So I played the acts who …
Today on CHUO FM for my radio show. I played mostly tracks from the likes of Timber Timbre, Damon Albarn, Mac DeMarco and many more.| Have a listen to the …