Born Ruffians – Needle [Listen]

Today Born Ruffians dropped the second single from the upcoming album Birthmarks.
Needle is available on iTunes.
The song is one of those slow burning indie rock pop song.
There is abit of that emotional feel to it.
Sort of reminds me of Sole Brother but will be a grower in a few weeks time.
Have a listen to Needle.

What do you think of the song?

Here is a quote about the song by Luke:
“The beauty of anonymity is basically the subject of ‘Needle.’ The song mostly centers around the ‘needle in the hay’ as a thing.
I think ‘Needle’ and some other songs on Birthmarks are self-reflexive as far as my life and identity as a musician in a band.
‘Needle,’ to me, is really about being out of the game for a bit and losing touch with that identity in a good way.
I think moving through your mid-twenties and not really doing what other people your age might be doing, or what a lot of people my age feel like they should be doing – like a PhD, or buying a house, or having a real job with a salary and benefits – is a bit like the needle falling through the haystack and losing the more youthful ‘the world is my oyster’ feeling.
It’s about finding a way to belong in the landscape of music and also just in my life.

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