Today the Toronto band Ducks Ltd. dropped the music video for Hollowed Out.
The second single is taken from their upcoming album called Harms Way which comes out on February 9, 2024 via Carpark Records and Royal Mountain Records.
Getting this The Smiths/New Order-esque jangle guitar pop-rock vibe.
About the track by Ducks Ltd.
“Hollowed Out,” which features backing vocals from Ratboys’ Julia Steiner and Marcus Nuccio (who also plays drums on the track), Dehd’s Jason Balla, and
“There was a sinkhole that opened up on Dundas West a little while ago, in an area near to where I live. It shut down the road for a month. It had a strange resonance, partly because a lot of the streets in Toronto used to be rivers and streams running down to the lake that roads were then built over. It felt like an encroachment of nature into an urban environment–the river coming back to collapse a piece of civic infrastructure, and I built the song around the feeling that evoked,” explains singer/lyricist Tom McGreevy of the song.
“It’s about living with decline. About the feeling that the horizon of possibility in the world is forever being drawn in to align with the edges of the imaginations of a small group of careless rich people. And about existing through a state of ongoing catastrophe over which we have no control.”
Hollowed Out gets: 📷📷📷📷📷📷📷/10.