Ghostkeeper – Grassy Plains [Music Video]

Calgary, Alberta band Ghostkeeper dropped their music video for Grassy Plains via Victory Pool.
A cool indie psych-electro-rock track.

About the track:
“Grassy Plains” charts a fantasy based on a post-apocalyptic scenario where the protagonist’s man has gone off to fight as a revolutionary soldier.
Driven to seek the help of the minegishi (sacred little people), she gathers medicine and words to bring her love home.

The band sought to capture the story of lovers in a dystopian time who lament the distance between them as they struggle to find each other in one realm or another.
Their upcoming studio effort really boosted the belief in their visions and ideas.
Originally, they felt more shy, tentative, and embarrassed.
Now they are able to get behind it a lot better.

Grassy Plains gets: 📷📷📷📷📷📷📷/10.

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