Rich Aucoin – Pure [Listen]

A few weeks ago, Rich Aucoin dropped the second single for 2023 called Pure.
An epic energetic 6 minute synth dance tune that is on the veins of the Synthetic sessions.
Pure is taken from the upcoming album Synthetic Season 2 which comes out on May 19, 2023 via We Are Busy Bodies.

About the track by Rich:
“I was at this AirBnB that had this old Lowrey Genie organ; the kind with a synthesizer built-in.
I sat down and played it for a bit until I found this great bombast sound that reminded me of Justice’s brilliant Cross opener Genesis.

So I recorded that along with its arpeggiator and that became the beginning of both this track as well as my earlier released song We’re In It Together.
The two tracks are quite different from one another which is a nice recent reminder for me how every time someone sits down to make something, it can go a different direction even with the same initial starting points.”

Pure gets: 📷📷📷📷📷📷📷📷/10.

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