Went to see Bad Flirt and Receivers at Zaphods on Dec 3, 2008
Both are from Montreal, what with that city and their music???
Both released their debut full length albums.
Turnout was so-so but whatever, I was here to support two bands who happen to have great music at the moment.
Bad Flirt are such nice and amazing people to get to know.
Besides mic problem they rocked the set.
Music is indie poppy alternative.
Apparently they are the Olsen twins favorite band at the moment.
I had alot of fun while snapping photos and dancing to their music.
Receivers was mellow and interesting.
Apparently one of the member used to be in the band The Dears.
So I am not really familiar with the Dears but I have heard of that band. Just heard them on CBC’s Q a few weeks ago.
Their music almost had that Portishead sound, mostly with the lead singer.
Overall it was a great low key kind of show.
Wish more people would notice them.
Bought both albums and will make a review if I can.
Here are the rest of the photos.
Hoppin by to say hello! Have a wonderful day ! Greetings from Germany 🙂
I’ve been to a few of The Receivers concert and it was always very pleasant 🙂
I bought their album Consider the Ravens and enjoy my travelling time so much more 😉