I finally got to see a band that has been doing really well in 2008.
Its Two Hours Traffic and they are from the East Coast.
Its been a great year for them.
Being shortlisted for the Polaris Prize which is got them alot of attention.
On to the show.
The openers were The Danks.
They are from the east coast too.
They had 2 members of Two Hours Traffic playing live with them.
Their music was great to enjoy.
Mix of Two Hours Traffic and abit of Tokyo Police Club. Most with the synth keyboards.
I liked and rocked out good.
Now Two Hours Traffic.
I finally got a chance to see them.
They have been to Ottawa but it always seems to be a conflict schedule when they do come.
Mostly due to friend’s birthdays.
Their set was amazing, sang mostly the album Little Jabs and some new tracks that they will put on the new album.
Their music is great lots of catchy tunes and great to dance to.
Took the setlist and here is what they sang.
- Territory
- Backseat Sweetheart
- Stolen Earrings
- When We Finish
- Noisemaker
- Nighthawks
- Jezebel
- Drop Alcohol
- Sure Can Start
- Heroes Of The Sidewalk
- Nu Luv
- Heatseeker
- Nights 2 Short
- No Advances
- Stuck For The Summer
ENCORE: (Don’t remember the name)
Got Little Jabs and wow it is such a great album.
Go see them live if you can.
Here are the rest of the photos.
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