October 2021 Playlist
It is funding drive time on my radio show, The funding drive started on March 8th and will end on the 24th. This was my first time doing this since …
Wow it’s already February! Today I had to guest fill-in for Hop The Fence at CHUO FM. I had a phone interview with Erik Lind of Erik Lind & The …
One more week before Christmas on my radio show at CHUO! Decided to do two interviews on my show. One was a taped interview with Royal Wood last week at …
Final stop on Friday night’s NXNE 2012. Headed to the Cameron House and caught Montreal’s Cobra & Vulture‘s set. Usually the 2am slot would be killer but there was alot …
I always wondered what was going on in the Nightwood camp. Besides the drummer Jeremy who has been busy with Parlovr. (Guys when is the new album??) Anyways back on …