tUnE-yArDs – Bizness [Music Video]
The third of three shows that I attended on May 1, 2010. This time it was at Club Saw. It was a wild and fun time dancing at Club Saw. …
It was a long and fun day for my first Record Store Day of 2010. I bought alot of records and some of them were not on my list from …
Lately been very busy with the happenings in the Ottawa music that I haven’t done any music picks. This time I will do EP picks since its seems to be …
This is like my post withdrawal of Pop Montreal. Here is my album picks for this week.
The third day of Pop Montreal was my favorite. I got to see: East Meats West BBQ Tune-Yards Adam & The Amethysts Diamond Rings The Coathangers No Gold Makeout Videotape …
Here is part three on who I might or will see at Pop Montreal. 1pm: East Meats West III at the Notman House. Its a BBQ with some Kelp Records …
This is my 200th post and I will do a review on this album. It was going to be a review of a show I went last night but it …
Think About Life, tUnE-yArDs and Videotape @ Babylon Nightclub [May 23, 2009]