The Killers – Day & Age [Streaming]

My pre-order for the new Killers album “Day & Age” just came out from iTunes.
I decided to get it because I wanted the bonus tracks which is the remix of Humans.
Yes I am a sucker for remixes.
Here is my fly on the wall review.

I really like Hot Fuss alot thanks to their big hit Mr.Brightside.
Their last one Sam’s Town was alright since it was Americana rock style.

Finally they release their new album called Day & Age.
From the first single Human, sounds like they are going back to what they were famous.
A US band sounding British or having UK music influence.

I find the whole album is back to the whole new wave pop sound.
I wasn’t fond of the last album.
But this might get back the old Killer fans who wasn’t happy with the last effort.

From what I’ve been reading, this might be their best album to date.
Human being their best song unless you are nitpicky with the lyric “Are we are human, are we dancer” being abit cheesy.
I like the New Order influence sound.
Bonus tracks are: Tidal Wave, Forget About What I Said and Human (Thin White Duke Club Remix)

Standout tracks:

  • Losing Touch
  • Spaceman
  • Human
  • A Dustland Fairytale and Goodnight
  • Travel Well (What a epic track!)

Day & Age gets: 📷📷📷📷📷📷/10.

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