To kick off 2024, the British-based German-Irish-Canadian singer-songwriter Alice Merton dropped the music video visualizer for run away girl via Paper Plane Records International.
An upbeat pop-rock tune and what to expect on new materials coming very soon.
About the track by Alice:
“Since I can remember, in every life phase I have been in, I have always questioned two things: who am I, and who am I supposed to be? I thought when you grow up, all these questions magically get answered but as I continue to witness, I don’t think you ever quite know.
‘run away girl’ comes from an introspective look at oneself and feeling lost in the outside world but especially feeling lost on the inside. Where do I fit in, in all this craziness? Who do I actually want to be in life? We are constantly surrounded by the opinions of others, who show us what their version of happiness is, so we automatically assume ours must be the same. It often isn’t.
We try to break free from past lives and past memories, pretending they no longer exist. I have found it’s much easier to accept the past, rather than forget it, and occasionally letting myself dwell in those memories. Moving homes regularly has taught me many life lessons, but it has also contributed to feeling unsettled in life, restless for what else is out there, and adventurous for the unknown.
This song comes to you in a new chapter full of questions to myself and to you. It is the beginning of a series of events that have led me to realise that the more I learn about life and myself, the less I actually know. But what do I know? I am happy to share this with you. I hope you enjoy the next chapter.”
run away girl gets: 📷📷📷📷📷📷/10.