Today the British musician Liela Moss dropped the trippy beautiful music video for Ache in the Middle featuring Jehnny Beth.
The second single is taken from the upcoming album Internal Working Model which comes out on January 13, 2023 via Bella Union.
A haunting alterna-orchestral pop tune that is very Kate Bush vibe.
About the track by Liela:
“I was working with Johnny Hostile on extra instrumentation for this track, when he sent it back with a middle 8 vocal section written and sung by his partner Jehnny Beth. He emailed saying she loved the track and hoped I didn’t mind her spontaneous contribution? This was a real gift, some unexpected beauty. The track crystallizes my thoughts about some of my own childhood, ideas about attachment and my recent work with Children’s Social Care. Jehnny Beth must have somehow understood where I was with this personal process, because she jumped straight in with a complimentary lyrical flow.”
On the video Liela adds: “The video reflects some of my glitched and slowly fading childhood memories, and the weird, uncanny aloneness I would experience when regulating my feelings as a little kid. People, spaces and animals take on this huge symbolic value and radiate with security, when you are very young, and searching for that safety.”
Ache In The Middle gets: 📷📷📷📷📷📷📷/10.