Today, Toronto band PACKS (formerly Pax) dropped the single and music video for Two Hands.
The fourth track is taken from the upcoming debut LP take the cake which comes out on May 21, 2021 (digital) and July 9, 2021 (physical) via Royal Mountain Records for Canada and Fire Talk for USA/ROW.
Another 90s-inspired heavy happy guitar driven rock tune.
About the track:
Memorably invoking a “Simpson’s sunset” in its opening lyric, the track delivers a hazy jangle that forms the perfect frame for PACKS leader Madeline Link’s laid back melodic acrobatics, and the accompanying video, which Link directed herself, reflects the song’s springtime feeling.
“On the walk home with muddy shoes and a light, almost delirious feeling in my chest that only stomping around in the mud can bring, I started humming the tune and the lyrics followed.
A walk can transform your outlook on life, whether you are enraptured by a sunset full of colours only imagined in cartoons, you receive a sweet acknowledgement of existence from a stranger, or you get into a yelling match with a raving skeletor.”
Two Hands gets: