Rainbow Chan – Long Vacation EP [Review]

I was curious who this musician named Rainbow Chan.
Not because she is Asian and her EP cover has Chinese character (Sings in English) but this what I know from the press release.
She is from Sydney, Australia.
Long Vacation EP is her debut and is released on Silo Arts.
You can listen to the stream of the EP on Interview Magazine‘s site.

More info:
An eclectic mix of electronic and acoustic textures, Rainbow Chan’s songs are delicately-crafted gems embedded in the nostalgic imagination. Live loops are created with music-boxes, thumb-pianos and vintage toys sourced from antique fairs. Lilting guitar finger-picking is matched with 8-bit keyboards, distorted beats and glockenspiels. Experimentation is interlaced with the other-worldly charm of her voice.
Rainbow’s love for intertwining sounds, colours and visuals has attracted the attention of blogs, radio and in October 2011, FBi Radio’s Northern Lights Competition. Rainbow Chan and Oliver Tank won the opportunity to collaborate and perform at the cutting edge Iceland Airwaves Festival alongside the likes of Björk, Beach House, SBTRKT and Ólafur Arnalds.

While listening to this EP.
Very quirky, catchy and cute to say the least.
In Foreign Tongue reminds me of a song that Bjork would sing.
Skinny Dipping makes you want to dance.
Fool’s Gold has that funky R&B synth-pop vibe
Haircut has that dazzling new wave synth-pop feel
Milk is a synth pop experimental sound to it.

Best tracks:

  • Skinny Dipping

  • Haircut

RIYL: Bjork, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Grimes and Faye Wong.
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