Have listen to No Filter for November 2, 2015. Tracks from Loon Choir, Technical Kidman and many more. NOTE: The contest for Kalle Mattson has ended. HOUR ONE: No Filter …
It was a Canadian Thanksgiving on No Filter. Played mostly alot of music. Reminder that CHUO FM will be having their funding drive from Oct 19 – 25. Next Monday …
This is the one show that I was very excited about. A once in a lifetime musical event at the Blacksheep Inn. It was the collaboration with Montreal’s Suuns and …
2014 came to an end and looking back at the best of list. There were some albums, EPs and songs that I completely forgot to add and was overlooked. This …
Here is today’s playlist for my radio show Photogmusic LIVE on CHUO FM. The shows I mentioned for this weekend in Ottawa were: Geyser, Organ Eyes and Fog Lake at …
North America, Technical Kidman and Baberaham Lincoln @ Pressed [June 25, 2014]
I am sort of burnt out from Ottawa Explosion Weekend. So I was abit unprepared to what songs I should be playing on my radio show. I decided to do …
20th annual NXNE will run from June 13 – 22. The music part of the festival will happen on June 18th. Here is my picks on who to see at …
20th annual NXNE will run from June 13 – 22. The music part of the festival will happen on June 18th. Here is my picks on who to see at …