Since Bluesfest is over and done, things in Ottawa should be back to normal. Have a listen to No Filter. HOUR ONE: HOUR TWO: PLAYLIST: Steve Adamyk Band – She’s …
Today Polaris Music Prize announced the nominees for the 2016 shortlist. I really like this year’s list. The gala will take place at the Carlu on September 19th. Here are …
Here is what I played on No Filter for April 11, 2016. HOUR ONE: HOUR TWO:
Happy Leap Day! On the show I have a phone interview with Brennan Ross of Library Voices. That interview is in hour one and on the 30 minute mark. Have …
Finally it is time to reveal my best of 2014 list. Starting off with the Canadian albums of 2014. The Top 14 will be revealed on my radio show on …
2014 has been a great year for myself for live music. It is going to be hard to choose which ones were my favorites. So I have narrowed it down …
Sorry for the lateness of last week’s show, it was due to the server being down CHUO FM. I had two interview with The Strumbellas in hour one and Pup …
I’m finally back from my vacation and doing my radio show for this week! Today I had Josh of Monomyth on the phone. Asked him some question and that the …
Ok it is definitely summer time when you attend a very hot and sweaty show. This is one of those shows that you shouldn’t have missed out. Playing at the …
I am back from NXNE and need to upload the photos from this year’s festival. But anyways have a listen to Monday’s radio show. I had a phone interview with …