Third time is a charm.
For you vinyl junkies or music collectors.
You should mark your calendar for September 26, 2010.
Its the third Ottawa Community Records.
The details is all on the picture.
Here is a review from the first edition.
I missed out the second edition.
Hopefully I can make it out for this one again.
This time I will budget carefully on what to purchase.
More info or contact who is running it just click here
Or contact Dave Aarvark if you are a vendor and want to sell off your collection of vinyls.
I’m interested in being a vendor at this show. Do you know who I contact?
If you didn’t read the entry.
I said go to this site. to contact them.
Apparently you haven’t been to this other site. Hasn’t been updated in years. I doubt anyone is doing anything with it. Do you have the contact information for the record show?
Ok I just upated the entry and if you didn’t see the email its