2008 Hottest Bands/Artists in Canada

Its almost the end of 2008 and we got ot put out the best of 2008 in music.
I was asked to make my top 10 list of Canadian acts in 2008 on i(heart)music‘s website
First time doing it and my comments are on it which I feel weird about it.

I am happy with the list considering I’ve seen like all the acts that has been listed.

Not going to reveal who is in the list
You just have to go to this site and check it out
The list of who is the hottest in Canada 

You can read my Top 10 list that I submitted to i(heart)music

1. Stars
2. Plants and Animals
3. Basia Bulat
4. Holy F**k
5. Tokyo Police Club
6. The D’Urbervilles
7. The Winter Gloves
8. Broken Social Scene
9. Woodhands
10. Ruby Coast
Top Canadian Blogs - Top Blogs


  1. historyjen

    Great list! Hard to do, eh? But fun. Basia Bulat was red hot this year, as were P & A, Holy Fuck, BSS, Woodhands, Stars, and Tokyo. Ruby Coast, Winter Gloves, and the D’Urbs were less visible, but give them time! I got two of those on my “under the radar” list, and only decided at the last moment to swap out Winter Gloves for label-mate Slim Twig.

  2. Ming Wu

    Ya its hard to do and you always have to remove someone out.
    Like I left out Land of Talk, Chad, Women and Caribou.

    I think its a been a great year.

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