Its the time of the year that i(heart)music does the Hottest Bands in Canada.
Click here for the full results.
This is their fifth year while this is my second time doing this.
Here is my top 10 form 2008.
For those that want to cheer or jeer. Please make a comment.
Here is my top 10 for 2009 who is considered the hottest.
- Basia Bulat
- Joel Plaskett
- Bruce Peninsula
- Handsome Furs
- Said The Whale
- The Ghost Is Dancing
- Japandroids
- The Rural Alberta Advantage
- The Balconies
- Green Go
I have to say that seven of the nominees was in the Top 30.
It was also a hard decision on who I wanted to put down in my Top 10.
Someone wanted me to put down Dog Day (who I never heard and seen live) which I changed to The Rural Alberta Advantage.
Overall I am surprised to who is #1 in the Hottest Bands in Canada this year.
Plaskett looks freezing in the picture, haha. The pic of Basia is super sweet. I have yet to see Handsome Furs live but am anxiously looking forward to it.
You don’t want to know about that performance Joel did. It was during Winterlude and I happened to go when it was the coldest nights of the year.
So cold I lost feelings of my hands and feet. Also that was my first time seeing him live.
I <3 Basia 😛
Were you part of the Hottest Bands in Canada?
You mean in making that list? No I wasn’t
Ya the list.
You should do it next year if you can.
Haha I wasn’t part of the elite list invited to make one 🙂 But! I will make my own next year. I did predict a decent chunk of the Polaris short list though.
Ha ha. I don’t think I wrote anything inflammatory enough to get me put in your spam folder! I’ll try again.
My original comment just said thanks for your note over at Midnight Poutine and that I liked your list. It was a good year in music. I did say that I should probably go and see Basia Bulat live, because I can’t understand what the hype is about just from her recordings. Maybe that’s what got me in trouble.
Take care. Look forward to your 2010 list.
LOL I don’t think so.
I guess your site seemed very suspicious to WordPress peeps.
The hype on Basia is maybe her music is very accessible for people.
She is very down to earth kind of person.
Talented too.