Show Review: 6 Bands, 2 Venues in 1 Building.

First day when the buses are back in service and deja vu again.
This time the same band I wanted to see happened to play the same night with other bands.
There is one band that I haven’t nor heard before.
At least the timing was better this time but running up and down the stairs was a drag.
This is who I saw play on Saturday night.
Cafe Dekcuf:


  • The Weathermakers
  • Winter Gloves
  • Ruby Coast

Cafe Deckuf:
The first band that played was The Red Jets.
First time checking them out, I really don’t know that much about them.
Their set was great and I did like the lighting this time at Dekcuf because it had that redish/orange light and it suited that band hence the name.
Music style is very indie alternative poppy rock.
Catchy and fun set.
Its not as heavy as the next band I will mention.
The Red Jets at Cafe Dekcuf
After them was Oh No Forest Fires.
Second time seeing them and finally stayed for their whole set.
They surely make their set lively.
Rajiv Thavanathan the lead singer is so crazy when he plays and sings.
Still can’t believe that Adam Nimmo their drummer used to be in The Most Serene Republic.
Love the silly banters too.
Fun rocking set with crazy jumping up-down and head banging.
Oh No Forest Fires at Cafe DekcufOh No Forest Fires at Cafe Dekcuf
Then finally it was The Love Machine.
They sang new songs from the upcoming album and the usual old songs which everyone in the audience who were there loves it.
They sure know how to interact with the audience and their fans. Its nice to see us Ottawa folks support our local bands.
There was video cameras because someone told me that they were doing a documentary.
Going to be awkward if I am in some of the shots making funny faces or funny hand gestures.
Fun and crazy set the Love Machine always put on.
All four members wore white t-shirts on stage which is a interesting theme to their set.
I was there for about 5-6 songs before I had go downstairs.
The Love Machine at Cafe DekcufThe Love Machine at Cafe Dekcuf
Overall the show at Dekcuf was great.

The show was the Winter Gloves and Ruby Coast.
I’ve seen both band alot of times that I can’t keep count when they come to Ottawa.

First band to play was The Weathermakers and they were local openers.
Great set as always.
Loved the last track they played because it was very rocking.
The Weathermakers at Mavericks
Next was Winter Gloves and so far I’ve seen them like 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 times when they come to Ottawa.
Set is always fun and they are getting very good at it now.
With a growing fanbase they sure know how to get the crowds going.
Sang tracks from their debut album “About a Girl” and sang three new tracks.
The new tracks are amazing, has that synth new wave pop sound.
Thanks to Justice of Ruby Coast and someone I got bodysurfed during one of their songs.
Their music is so good that I can’t get it out of my head.
Winter Gloves at MavericksWinter Gloves at Mavericks
Finally Ruby Coast went up.
Considering another band I’ve seen live in Ottawa, I have lost count now on seeing the.
Crazy, fun and brutal set.
Besides get push around and almost falling on the stage while they are playing.
Shows how fun this band is.
Still can’t believe I had more energy for their set considering running up and down the stairs.
Great to see them play in Ottawa and people enjoying their music.
They sang three new songs and I love this new one which I will write the setlist which I happily took.
Ruby Coast at Mavericks

  • Intro
  • Neighbourhood
  • Tiger
  • Laugh At Alice
  • Look Out For Change
  • More Than TV
  • New song
  • I Live With Monsters
  • Creep Me Out (New track and it was my favorite, danced like an idiot to that song.)
  • Brittle Bones


  • Town to Province
  • Ruby Coast at Mavericks
    Anyways it was an amazing night for Canadian talent.
    Dreading a terrible headache considering I sort of stayed out until 2am partying with Justice from Ruby Coast.

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