Best of 2012: Canadian Albums #50-41

Since everyone is doing their “Best of” list.
So here is my list for Canadian albums that came out in 2012.
Starting from #50 to #41.
I had to say this year was pretty hard finding what were *in my opinion* the best albums to come out in Canada.
As I will say this, just be happy you made it on the list.
If there were some missing ones I will probably put them on honorable mentions.
For the Top 12 Canadian albums, it will be broadcast on my radio show in New Year’s Eve.
Sorry if there is no description since I am swamped with various stuff happening in the month of December.
Check it out!

50. The Weeknd – Trilogy

49. The GallopThe Gallop

48. Rah Rah – The Poet’s Dead

47. The Dagger Eyes – The Dagger Eyes

46. Slim TwigSof’ Sike

45. Dave Norris and Local IvanThey Let You Paint Your Darker Dreams

44. Chilly Gonzalez – Solo Piano II

43. Trust – TRST

42. Metric – Synthetica

41. Wintersleep – Hello Hum

Top Canadian Blogs - Top Blogs

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