Broken Social Scene – Curse Your Fail [Listen]

Today the Toronto band Broken Social Scene dropped the track called Curse Your Fail.
The second single is taken from their upcoming compilation of B-sides, rarities, and outtakes pulled from 20 years of 7-inches, soundtracks, and hard-to-find releases called Old Dead Young: B-Sides & Rarities which comes out on January 14, 2022 via Arts & Crafts.
A hypnotic indie rock that shows off their unique creativity of what Broken Social Scene is.

About the track:
Curse Your Fail is a previously unreleased dream pop single taken from the 2009 Forgiveness Rock Record recording sessions.

The track was previously only available on a 2010 split 7-inch with The Sea and Cake, features alternating vocals from four lead singers including guest Sebastien Grainger (of DFA 1979)

Curse Your Fail gets: 📷📷📷📷📷📷📷/10.

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