Starting today, I want to compile a list of albums,songs and music videos of 2009.
At this time mostly the albums coming out now are either Greatest Hits or Christmas tunes.
So far I have five in my list that came out in 2009.
Decided who is my number 1 slot.
I would like to have some input.
So please make a comment and tell me who I should put on the year end list for 2009.
Maybe in time send me a CD in the mail.
Good or bad, it will be interesting to find out.
I should do one for myself and do one for fans (don’t know how I will pull that off, so someone help me with that!).
On December 31st, I will make a page for the year that was 2009 in music.
For now I made a poll for the albums you think was the best in 2009.
Also you can do repeat voting too.
In the running for me:
Tor/Sufjan Stevens – Illinoize
The Wilderness of Manitoba – Hymns…
Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros – Up From Below
The XX – XX
Black Hat Brigade – Fathers
maybe, Pink Mountaintops – Outside Love and it’s probably too soon for me to tell but I really like Said the Whale’s new one too…
I love Pink Mountaintops album Outside Love.
That album blew me away.
I haven’t heard The XX album yet.
When I make my best of 2009 post I’m definitely going to be including Dan Mangan’s “Nice, Nice. Very Nice.”
I totally agree with most of your choices as well.