Happy 2010!! To everyone.
Here is part 2 of my honorable mentions 2009.
As the last post, these are some albums I forgot to put in my Best of 2009 list.
Here is a added bonus
Ruby Jean & the Thoughtful Bees – Ruby Jean & the Thoughtful Bees
Rebekah Higgs side project and its a fun electro-rock-dance affair.
Matt Epp – Safe or Free
Saw him play in at the Black Sheep Inn.
He deserves to get a mention for 2009.
Check out his song This Old House
Caledonia – We Are America
Check out their song We Are America.
Extra Happy Ghost!!! – How The Beach Boys Sound
Saw him play this year and his music is very psychedelic experimental pop.
Check out the song Mash-Up: Neither Being Nor Nothingness
The Parlour Steps – Hidden Names