Memory Pearl – Cosmic-Astral [Streaming]

Today the Toronto act Memory Pearl which is the project by Absolutely Free’s Moshe Fisher-Rozenberg dropped the album Cosmic-Astral via Boiled Records.
A soothing progressive moody experimental psych-ambient new wave album.

About the album by Moshe:
Cosmic-Astral is Toronto electronic producer Moshe Fisher-Rozenberg’s take on re-composing a »music program« used by psychotherapists in the 1970s in combination with the psychedelic drug LSD.
Ultimately removed from circulation for being too confrontational, the original music program was designed to take the listener on a cosmic journey of personal discovery through submersion in classical, romantic works by Strauss (Also Sprach Zarathustra), Scriabin (Poème de l’extase), and Holst (Neptune).

By contrast, Memory Pearl’s Cosmic-Astral re-imagines the connection between sonic healing and the psyche through nurturing original compositions that revel in the intrinsic character of his electronic instruments.
“I wanted to make my own version of the Cosmic-Astral program,” Fisher-Rozenberg says, “but more delicate and tender.”

Cosmic-Astral gets: 📷📷📷📷📷📷📷📷/10.