Royal Canoe – Sidelining [Streaming]

Today, Winnipeg band Royal Canoe dropped their long awaited fifth album called Sidelining which is out on Paper Bag Records and Birthday Cake Records.
It is their most groovy and mellow electro-pop album the band has recorded.
Also cool collaborations with Chicago’s NNAMDÏ and Winnipeg’s Begonia.
Still an enjoyable album to listen to during the summertime.

About the album:
Their album’s title Sidelining, comes with intention.
The band knows, everyone’s plans got sidelined this year and just like the figure on their front porch from the new album’s cover, we’ve all found ourselves waiting around, at least twelve feet from our neighbours, waiting to see when we can do things together again.

“Recording Sidelining was such a different experience from any of our previous albums,” says the band.
“The songs were drawn from three separate recording/writing sessions spread out over the course of two years.
During this period, we were experimenting with a new approach to the studio which instead of obsessively demo’ing, we would try to write and record songs from scratch in the studio with no preconceived ideas/lyrics/demos.

At the time I don’t think any of us knew exactly what we were making. Would it be an album, a series of EPs, or just an experiment? We were just trying to trust ourselves and the moment, and not get lost in the details.”

The ‘band’ has become such a ubiquitous part of each of the member’s day-to-day lives over the last ten years Arguing about vowel shapes, rhyming patterns, and whether or not a bridge can be too long (Answer: yes, it definitely can).
So, late last year as they went through the process of completing the finishing touches, they really began to see that what they had created in the Sidelining sessions, was a truly honest album that was surprisingly full of life.

Sidelining gets:

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