TFD – Desolation Boys [Music Video]

Today, TFD which stands for Total F**king Darkness is the project from Stephen Ramsay formerly from Young Galaxy and Torquil Campbell of Stars have partnered with English studio genius and synthesist Tom McFall (whose engineering credits include the likes of REM, Bloc Party, Twin Shadow, Regina Spektor) has dropped the music video for Desolation Boys.
A clubby electro-pop dance tune that feels very Pet Shop Boys vibe.

About the track by TFD:
Born out of a manic 72-hour writing spree with McFall flying in from London, “Desolation Boys” encapsulates the band’s volatile energy. It’s the sound of three middle-aged men with practically nothing left to lose trying (and failing) to drop the weight of the world from their shoulders – unruly, unpolished, unfuckable with, and, in their own words, “vaguely not boring.”

Written in the final hours of a grueling session, “Desolation Boys” showcases TFD’s menu to thrilling effect: Maximum Creative Violence Immediately. The song features a mix of savant-like lyrical spontaneity and a raw vocal take where Campbell can faintly be heard yelling, “go fuck yourself,” mid-chorus. Who is he instructing? Probably himself.

“Desolation Boys” reflects the band’s ongoing exploration of themes like the utter futility of existence, the exciting pointlessness of class war and the rejection of everything that doesn’t BANG.

Desolation Boys gets: 📷📷📷📷📷📷📷📷/10.