The Rural Alberta Advantage – Departing [Review]

Took me a while to review The Rural Alberta Advantage‘s sophomore album “Departing”.
Is Departing a hit or miss?
Or will I be comparing how some of the tracks sound similar to Hometowns?
I like to call this a slow burning album since it needed alot of listening times.
The whole album reads like a story book.
In my opinion, Departing seems to pick up where Hometowns left off.
The beginning track “Two Lovers” is slow acoustic diddy .
While “The Breakup” seems to sound like part two of “Don’t Haunt This Place”.

While North Star (Don’t get me wrong that it’s a great song) just reminds me of The Fray’s How To Save A Life.
There is the upbeat energetic rock sounds in Muscle Relaxants, Stamp, Tornado ’87 and Barnes’ Yard.
It’s still a great album, no doubt about it.
Probably I was expecting more surprises on recapturing the success on Hometowns or high expectation on the second album.
While Hometowns was like the introductory of the band’s music and the story of life in Alberta.
Departing is more like what we expect from the RAA and wanting to leave Alberta.

Best tracks:

I’d give Departing 8.9/10.
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