The White Wires & Uranium Comeback @ Babylon Nightclub [December 22, 2012]

Definitely had a exciting night on December 22nd at Ottawa’s Babylon Nightclub.
Being the Christmas holidays, there was alot of people who came out to this.
Also being a late show, you never know what will happen at a Ottawa Explosion show.
Playing at the show:
The White Wires
The White Wires @ Babylon Nightclub
Uranium Comeback
Uranium Comeback @ Babylon Night Club

The show started off with Uranium Comeback.
Features members from Steve Adamyk Band, Big Dick and others from the Ottawa Garage Punk music scene.
Let’s say they made a impression on the audience “LITERALLY”.
All the members from Uranium Comeback wore women dresses.
I didn’t know what to expect or be scarred for life :P.
There was alot of laughing, innuendos and people just rocking out to their music.
The band finally dropped their 10″ vinyl.
Uranium Comeback @ Babylon Night Club
Finally it was The White Wires turn!
They hadn’t play a proper Ottawa show for their album release of WWIII.
At that time I was already excited and buzzed.
It’s one of those shows where I just want to enjoy it and not get bogged down with stuff.
To make this story short, some gentleman wanted me to take photos of Allie so it can be taken on a t-shirt.
Somehow me being nice and abit tipsy, I had to say yes to him. Not sure if I did it any justice with the perfect shots.
The White Wires @ Babylon Nightclub
Back to the show.
I had such a blast dancing to their Garage Power Pop music.
Can’t remember what songs they play but it overall fun and crazy.
So crazy that half-way through the set people started moshing and go crazy.
Glad I was in one piece!
It was mix from WWI, WWII and WWWIII.
Perfect way to enjoy and bring cheers to Christmas holidays 2012!
I still hope they the band will make more music in 2013!
Here are the rest of the photos.

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