Here is the first vinyl giveaway for 2016!
This happens to be my #1 Canadian album of 2015.
U.S. Girl released her first album on 4AD called “Half Free” which dropped in September of 2015.
If you aren’t familiar with her music.
Check out the heavy and powerful song Sororal Feelings.
Here is the info about Half Free.
“Throughout, Remy explores themes relating to abuse and gender inequality, whether the broken wife in ‘Sororal Feelings’ (a track loosely based on the character Nora Bass in Michael Ondaatje’s Coming Through Slaughter), or the exasperated war widow in ‘Damn That Valley’, soundtracked by its intoxicating combination of thick dub flavours and Wall of Sound dramatics.”
I’d give Half Free:
/10 Camera flashes
We bought round trip tickets to the Yukon and got them at %50 off, or half free. Two flights there and back for just around one thousand instead of two. Made the trip much more affordable.
We live in a system where we are free to vote, but our economy is authoritarian and run by sociopaths, so in that sense we are only half free.
Sometimes I just don’t pay myself to keep my business afloat, so pretty much all my services are half free.
I went to Starbucks a couple of years ago and ordered a coffee and a cookie. When I opened the pastry bag after leaving, I found that I had received the cookie that I ordered, plus about half of another broken one that was stuck to the bottom of it!
When I used to live at home in the burbs, I would order Dominos Pizza on Friday nights to keep me sane. One day I got a letter from them in the mail, apparently (I hadn’t noticed) they had taken too long with one of my orders, so they offered me 50% off my next order!! It was amazing.
At first I didn’t realize the name of the album was “half Free” and i thought you were giving the album away for half price! I was all “pff some contest!”, but now that i’m up to speed, I’m reminded of a kids book called Half Magic. This group of siblings find a magic coin that grants half wishes, so if they wished to be on a desert island, they would end up in the sahara. desert: yes, island: no. so they go on adventures of wishing for twice as much as they need, and making their way back home. Was such a fun read as a kid!
I was in and out of the hospital for quite a while a few years ago. I always think of the food they give you…it’s free, but your intenstines pay for it about an hour later.
The words “half free” remind me of a time on my travels in australia when me and a bunch of broke backpackers decided to go to the fancy Brisbane casino downtown. We put on the nicest clothes we could scrounge up, and made sure they were actually clean (for once). When we walked in, the beautiful building reminded me of a James Bond film – rich people, women in dresses, men in suits. I immediately thought we were in the wrong place, and that I was going to lose what little money I had earned that week to the sharks at the casino.
After some music and drinks, I ended up winning some money after all playing Blackjack and Roulette. My rent at the hostel that month was half free.
Half free huh? Well, in my undergrad Econ class we learned there is no such thing as a free lunch, so that leads me to believe there is no such thing as a “half free” lunch either. But because it is January and because I brought up university I also think about January meaning you’re half free from that year of University. The year is half over and you halfway to summer holidays, you’re halfway to freedom – you’re half free. And then you go work a summer job, and you’re half free to enjoy your summer break.
I was hoping to win this killer LP for free but Ming wants us to tell him why, so I guess it’s only half-free 😜
What did I happen to get that was “Half Free”?
Jann Arden’s birthday cake.
10 + Years ago, in St. John’s,NL, I didn’t get an NL arts council grant I was hoping for, and it crushed me a little, so my friend and SHISS bandmate Mikiki & I went downtown to get drunk & commiserate losing out. We eventually made it to the Ship Inn Pub where Jann Arden and her band/crew were celebrating around a table after her final tour show at Mile One Stadium. It was also her birthday. I went over and introduced myself and somehow offered to bring over beers for them from the bar. Jann paid for them and one for us too. She actually joked and said “I’m good for it. I got money in my pocket”. Then they cut up a big square birthday cake that someone brought to the bar. Mikiki & I served up pieces to them and each had a piece,then we left them alone to celebrate. We did, though, take the remaining cake and left the Ship with the big box in hand, drunkenly travelling on from beloved dive bar to dive bar, down back sidewalks, handing out pieces to anyone we saw, telling them ” Have some cake! It’s Jann Arden’s birthday!!” If I got the grant, this never would have happened. True story. Glenn
I was lucky enough to see them early on at Double Double Land back in 2012. Would be great to add this album to my collection.
My spirit is half-free