Radar Peak – Heaven’s Gate [Music Video]

Today the Toronto band Radar Peak dropped the lyrical music video for Heaven’s Gate.
The leading single is taken from the band’s debut self-titled album which comes out on October 20, 2023.
The band is the new (not so new) project from Pup’s Nestor Chumak and Zack Mykula and Matt Aldred who plays in Modern Superstitions, Michael Rault, and Nyssa.
Getting this moody alterna-rock Sloan vibe tune.

About the track by Radar Peak:
“Heaven’s Gate is the first song we worked on where it felt like we’d figured out what Radar Peak is,” says Mykula.
“The three of us taking a thread of a song and spinning it into 3 minutes of melody and guitars and pounding drums and harmonies and a twin guitar solo for good measure.

It felt good to be locked away together with our instruments, bridging the distance of thousands of miles, hundreds of gigs, a couple missed birthdays and life passing you by. This is us figuring it out together and coming out the other side in one piece.”

Heaven’s Gate gets: 📷📷📷📷📷📷📷/10.