Wintery show with Giant Hand, Matt Paxton and Ben Somer

Ottawa must be getting a late winter storm on February 25th.
Decided to brave outside and head up to Raw Sugar Cafe.
Playing at the show were:

All three musicians had in common were acoustic folk rock and of course single guys.
All three were featured on
First time seeing Ben and Matt play.
They were really great live.
A change for them playing at Raw Sugar Cafe since they usually play at seedy bars/clubs.
A different atmosphere.
Giant Hand who I have seen various times put on a great set.
He is improving very well and with the help of Rolf Klausener backing him on drums and guitar.
You should definitely check out all three musician.

Here is a audio interview that Stephanie did with Giant Hand.

Here is a audio interview that Stephanie did (I will pop up in parts of the interview) with Matt Paxton.

Ben Somer’s interview is going to be edited up sometime soon.
All the interview were fun and interesting.
I couldn’t help mention which was bought up. A great site to check out.


  1. Pingback: Raw Sugar Café Show pics and Interview « Giant Hand

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