It was one of those great last week of summer show on August 25, 2011.
After catching Hawksley Workman at the Ottawa Folk Festival.
I was lucky to get a ride to Raw Sugar Cafe, thanks to a friend.
I really wanted to see The Weather Station since it was a album release show for the new album “All Of It Was Mine“.
The show started off with a Rolf Klausenser.
Haven’t seen him play solo in quite sometime.
It was a great set he put on filled with The Acorn‘s music and some of his own *I think*.
I did make a request for him to sing “Slippery When Wet” (NO! Not the Bon Jovi cover).
It was just jaw breaking hearing with Rolf and a guitar.
Loved it when Catriona said “Oh I love the Panda Panda song”.
Wonderful set!
Then it was The Weather Station’s turn to go up.
It was basically Tamara Linderman playing solo with her music.
She mostly played from the new album “All Of It Was Mine”.
All I can say is word on the whole set, even words can’t explain it.
It was one of those great intimate shows that you can hear a pin drop.
Maybe it’s me but I feel like Tamara was like channeling Joni Mitchell.
Tamara had lots of great stage banter one being about her van was in an accident (She wasn’t hurt & not too serious).
And mentioned that she is wearing the same dress that is on the album cover.
Overall it was a great intimate show at Raw Sugar Cafe.
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