10 Years and still going…

In times like this, we need to take this one day at a time.
Stop and reminisce to what you have done since times goes very fast.
It has been awhile that I have posted about how long this site has been up.
You may not know that March 5, 2010 was the launch date of this site.
Technically I’ve been photographing around 2008.
I can’t believe I’ve been doing this for so long.
This site is not as big and well known from other music sites (who shall be nameless).
There is a search bar so you find out which bands have been covered.
There are bands that goes for small to big.
There are some bands that are here today and gone tomorrow. [Don’t forget venues!]
That is why documenting the music scene is vital and brings back memories.
For a few years I’ve been covering the arts scene in Ottawa.
Give the site more inspiration and diverse than just music (Check out my other site).
There have been some Ottawa photographers who I meet along the way.
Some are very helpful but some do have big egos because they think are better than some even when you try to talk to them.
Since I am the only person who runs this site, it is very hard getting contributors to help me out.
But I seem to handle doing this well on my own and great at multitasking.
That is why getting a radio show can be handy at times!
While there will be highs and lows in the music scene.
I will still enjoy it as it happens.
Too many people to thank but you know who you are.
Here is to more years capturing the music scene in Ottawa and beyond.

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