Pop Montreal 2015 – Day 1 [September 16, 2015]

Last week I went down to Montreal for the 14th annual Pop Montreal festival.
It is that time of the year where I want to check out what the city of Montreal has to offer.
So here is the first of five series of acts that I saw.
Bands I saw were Nancy Pants, Ought, Ultimate Painting, Weaves, The Sonics, Born Ruffians and OBN IIIs.

Pop Montreal 2015
Pop art!!
Polaris Music Prize Symposium
Started off by catching parts of Pop Montreal’s Symposium on this year’s Polaris Music Prize panel. Speakers were Steve Jordan founder of Polaris, Erik Leijon of Cult MTL/Montreal Gazette, Marc André-Mongrain of Sors-tu.ca/CIBL 101.5 and Valérie Thérien of Voir
Nancy Pants @ Pop Montreal 2015
Went outside to beside Pop HQ and was rocking out to Montreal’s Nancy Pants! They were amazing live performing under the bright sunny warm weather.
Ought @ Pop Montreal 2015
There was a special guest at the Pop Montreal BBQ show and it was Ought! I was so excited for it since the band was performing Thursday night at Ukrainian Federation in releasing their second album Sun Coming Down. This was definitely a surprise!

Ultimate Painting @ La Sala Rossa [Pop Montreal 2015]
The big highlight on the first night was catching Ultimate Painting from the UK. Didn’t know who they were until a friend mentioned that the lead singer also plays in Veronica Falls. They performed an awesome indie mellow pop rock music. Something you will hear from bands like Real Estate! Definitely one of my favorite sets on Wednesday night.
Weaves @ La Sala Rossa [Pop Montreal 2015]
Toronto’s Weaves was the second band to play. They never disappoint live, previewed some new tracks from their long awaited debut album which should drop next year.
The Sonics @ Fairmount Theatre [Pop Montreal 2015]
Went over to Théâtre Fairmount (Formerly Cabaret du Mile End) to check out The Sonics. It was pretty packed to say the least. Didn’t stick around much considering I didn’t like it.
Born Ruffians @ La Sala Rossa [Pop Montreal 2015]
Went back to La Sala Rossa to see Born Ruffian who was the final and headlining band to perform in the venue. It was a pretty fun set filled with materials from the upcoming new album Ruff and oldies from Birthmark and others. We Made It is pretty much growing on me!
OBN IIIs @ Casa del Popolo [Pop Montreal 2015]
Lastly ended off to Casa to catch OBN IIIs performing there.

This was how I spent my Wednesday night at the festival.
Click below for more photos!

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