The show was presented by Debaser which is a Tuesday radio show on CKCU FM and was part of the funding drive for the radio station and a final show …
Today was a crazy day on my radio show. I had in the studio Ottawa indie rock band Swollen Eyes. They were here to play some songs and talk about …
I didn’t get to upload these photos on time. On August 8th, Debaser which is a radio show on CKCU FM held a show at Mugshots. Playing at the show: …
Second night in a row to be at Pressed. No it wasn’t experimental music, more indie garage punk rock happening on October 18th. Playing at the show were: • The …
It was a nice summery Sunday. Went to this cool art show and community event at Ottawa’s Chinatown area. The event was called Yards Of Chinatown and it was started …