The Ottawa Show of the Year with Perfect Pussy, Big Dick & Blue Angel @ Gabba Hey! [November 22, 2014]

We are almost getting to the end of 2014.
This was definitely one of the loudest and the “it” rock show of the year. (By Ottawa standards)
For myself, I already seen all three of the bands that played at Gabba Hey! on November 22, 2014.
It was Perfect Pussy, Big Dick and Blue Angel.
Thanks goodness that the show was back on schedule since it was shockingly cancelled due to band issues but with a stroke of luck it was not cancelled!
Perfect Pussy @ Gabba Hey!
Perfect Pussy literally got to a really loud and noisy punk rock set.
It was jaw dropping and intense!
Having seen them twice in different cities, it was a great for Ottawa folks to get a chance to see this band perform live!
With the buzz the band has been getting in 2014 with the release of their debut album “Say Yes To Love”.
Perfect Pussy @ Gabba Hey!
Big Dick played a awesome post-punk set.
Previewed tracks from their upcoming second album Disappointment which drops around February 2015.
Really enjoyed their set and who doesn’t love Medic?
It was their first show at Gabba Hey! Who knew!??
Big Dick @ Gabba Hey!
Blue Angel played a noise dark punk rock set.
Really enjoyed their set as always
Blue Angel @ Gabba Hey!
This was a show to be remembered!
Click below for more photos.
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