Tokyo Police Club – Top 5 [Music Video]

Today, Tokyo Police Club dropped the music video for Top 5.
The fan favourite unreleased track coincides with their Champ 10 tour kicking off a three night sold out show in Toronto’s Lee’s Palace.
A cool fun throwback to their indie alterna-pop sounds from 2010s

About the track:
Discussing “Top 5” guitarist/keyboardist Graham Wright noted, “‘Top 5’ is the closest thing we have to a ‘much sought after fan favourite unreleased track’.
Ever since we did it on Daytrotter way back when, people have been asking for an official release, but even though it’s been floating around since before ‘Elephant Shell’ we never recorded it properly!

For a long time, we assumed that the ship had sailed – our style and approach had evolved, and it can feel surprisingly hard to convincingly recapture an old vibe! But we found ourselves with some studio time recently, and we decided to try the novel approach of ‘playing the song like we wrote it’. Lo and behold, there it was!
It had been waiting for us the whole time, and we thank it for its patience.
It ended up being the best of both worlds of our old 2010s was still there, preserved in amber, and we got to use all the new tricks we’ve learned since then too. 10 years of Tokyo Police Club in one bite sized, 3-minute package!”

Top 5 gets: 📷📷📷📷📷📷📷/10.

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