Casper Skulls – Knows No Kindness [Streaming]

Today the Toronto-based band Casper Skulls dropped their second album Knows No Kindness via Next Door Records.
Departure from their loud alterna-rocking sound to more of a mature and serious slow-burning singer/songwriter rock music.

About the album:
Knows No Kindness is a deeply personal body of work for the band, in particular St-Pierre who tells stories of her life growing up in small-town Northern Ontario, specifically Sudbury and Massey.
This new song arrives as a tribute to her grandmother, Velma Crabs who’s death impacted Melanie for a long time.

Similar to St-Pierre, Crabs was an artist and musician and moved to Toronto to pursue a career in these industries before moving to Newfoundland to join the Air Force where she would meet her partner, eventually moving to Massey. This new song remembers her life and teachings.

Speaking about the track, Melanie says: “When she passed away I was 15. One of the last things she said to me in the hospital was that she could see deer in a field in front of her. She was hallucinating but was describing real-life scenes from Massey that she had captured in her oil paintings: the deer, forestry or rushing water from The Chutes Provincial Park.

“After she passed, I dug into her life story and unearthed the photo that’s now the KNK album cover. Alongside the townspeople of Massey, she held a protest to stop AECL from dumping nuclear waste into the Sables and Spanish rivers. “Ouija” is about wanting to talk to her again now as an adult pursuing the same path she left behind.”

Knows No Kindness gets: 📷📷📷📷📷📷📷📷/10.

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