Fryquency with Special Noise, Baberaham Lincoln and Pipahauntaus [January 3, 2015]

It’s 2015 and Ottawa just got hit with their first snow storm of the year.
But at least the brave people made it for the first Fryquency show of the year.
If you aren’t familiar, it is an all ages pay-what-you-can event series to exhibit emerging and experimental Canadian music held monthly at the jail bar.
This month featured Montreal’s Special Noise and Ottawa’s Baberaham Lincoln and Pipahauntaus.
Pipahauntas @ Mugshots
Pipahauntas started off the show.
If you were wondering, yes it is Sam who plays in Organ Eyes and Blue Angel.
This is probably her first outing on her own.
She played an amazing lo-fi dance pop with a hint of R&B music.
Dreamy at times and groovey too.
I swear she needs to release something in 2015!!

Baberaham Lincoln @ Mugshots
Baberaham Lincoln was the second band to play.
This is the first time with a new member.
They played a great set of indie rock set.
Special Noise @ Mugshots
Then Special Noise was the last band to play.
They played a great indie catchy beat rock set.
Wished they played a longer set but due to the 11pm curfew.
Can’t wait for what new EP or albums they will release.

Despite the snow storm, people did make it for this show!
I had a great time!
Click on the bottom for more photos.

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