Today Matthew Cardinal of nêhiyawak dropped the music video and third single from his debut solo album called Asterisms which comes out on October 27, 2020 via Arts and Crafts.
Mar 12th and it is another beautiful, sonically and dreamy atmospheric track.
About the track and music video:
Directed by SCKUSE, the goal of the video was to “make something spring sky inspired by the kind of cold, hazy and colourful,” she says.
“I used heavily edited footage of the Apollo 8, 11 and 12 launches from 1968/1969 for this one, along with some blurred out illustrations of flowers from the 1800’s.”
The track unfurls in overlapping melodic waves like rhythmic but beatless IDM, gently pulsating, modulating, and filling the melancholy transient phase between seasons. “With the exception of the opening track on the album which was recorded years before the others, this is the oldest recording on the album,” says Matthew, who timestamped each of the album’s eleven tracks with the dates of their creation.
“‘Mar 12th’ is a very simple track with a Moog at its core, the pulse becoming syncopated by a few delays and the sound expanding as I slowly open and close the filter. Other sounds are an old Roland string machine and a downtuned sample of my fiddle, a gift given to me by my mooshum. I recorded this sitting on my bedroom floor, playing my synths and recording it all on my sampler’s digital 4 track.”
Mar 12th gets: