Ottawa Bluesfest 2011: Day 9 (Part II)

I am going to make this set into it’s own entry.
Still on Day 9 of Ottawa Bluesfest 2011.
Went up to the MBNA stage for this loud set.
Playing there was the Toronto punk/metal band Cancer Bats.
Cancer Bats @ Bluesfest 2011

It was my first time seeing this band live.
Usually I don’t go out to any of these hardcore metal show.
I would have thought the set would be insane but it seem tame due to a 7pm set.
Which is early for a loud show.
But I did hear from some people about the moshing.
Cancer Bats @ Bluesfest 2011
At least I got to experience a Cancer Bats show.
Here are the photos.


  1. Van

    Hey Ming!

    Remember me from Chinese Saturday classes? Just wanted to say great job with this site and lots of awesome shots. Just found it today, and probably frequent it as a regular from now on. Haven’t seen you since we were kids, but I did see you at bluesfest taking photos this year. Cancer Bats Kick Ass.

  2. Post

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