In a couple of weeks, Megaphono 2016 will take place on Febraury 2-5 with great musicians and band performing at various venues all over Ottawa. For more information of who …
The schedule for Megaphono 2016 and I couldn’t be very excited for this. The showcase music festival takes place in various Ottawa venues from February 2-5, 2016. Passes are available, …
Have a listen to November 23rd edition of No Filter on CHUO 89.1 FM. HOUR ONE: No Filter – November 23, 2015 [Hour One] @sarahkneufeld #podcast by Photogmusic on Mixcloud …
I went up to Montreal for one night because I wanted to see Grimes perform a sold out show at Metropolis. The concert was also part of this music festival …
Here is part three on who I might or will see at Pop Montreal. 1pm: East Meats West III at the Notman House. Its a BBQ with some Kelp Records …