The White Wires LP Release Party @ Babylon

The second show I went on the Eve of Christmas Eve was at Babylon Nightclub.
Let’s say it was a vast contrast from the first show of the night at Raw Sugar Cafe.
It was the LP Release party/Holiday show with the White Wires.
The place was already packed and lots of familiar faces there.
The White Wires @ Babylon
Since I ranked them at #10 in the Best of 2010: Shows & Concerts (Kelp 16 Secret Show)

Missed out the first band which was The Dagger Eyes.
I happened to arrive when the second band was going to start.
That band was Uranium Comeback which features Steve Adamyk (how many bands is he in?), that guy wearing the red Kelp t-shirt who is in the band Big D**k while I don’t know what bands are the bassist and drummers in.
It was a very rocking set.
Uranium Comeback @ Babylon
Then it was The White Wires time to shine on stage.
It has been awhile for them to play in Ottawa.
Since the band finally released their second album.
There was alot of people who showed up for support
By the first song, things went crazy with people moshing, dancing and singing to their songs.
I was abit worried of getting my camera broken which didn’t happen.
Midway through I was like heck with it and just wanted to have some fun with the people moshing.
Crazy fun times.
Things got to crazy that Emmanuel of Capital Distractions had to remove the middle speakers (Forgot the name of it and I know its not a speaker) to make room for the insane moshers.
Their Power pop tunes are so fun and catchy that I even sang along to their songs.
The second last song, was insane since people got on stage dancing.
Even I was forced/pushed on to the stage to dance.
It was an exhilarating experience to do that.

The White Wires @ Babylon
Steve Adamyk's attempt at crowdsurfing

This was some LP Release party/holiday party The White Wires had put on.
One of the best power pop bands in Ottawa at the moment.
Here are the rest of the photos.

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