Toronto’s Wildlife is going to drop their sophomore album “…On The Heart” on March 5th.
Having seen them live once and was blown away by their music and performance.
Will this album make a big impact for 2013? Hope time will tell.
Here is a blurb on the album.
…On The Heart is a record about the engine that drives us and carries us along that road…it is a love letter, an essay on the HEART: everything it does for us, to us, how it hurts us, helps and keeps us going.
Wildlife put their hearts into making this thing, completely, with all the violence and romance we could muster.
They recorded a bunch of the songs with brilliant producer and audiophile Peter Katis (Interpol, The National), someone they had our ears on for a very long time.
Wildlife lived in his home, ate his soup, petted his cats and made music with their minds wide open.
Wildlife recorded the other bunch with producers Gus Van Go and Werner F (The Stills, Hollerado), two extremely talented guys that opened up a completely different set of doors.
Then they took it back to Peter and hunkered down to mix. It’s a call and answer to our last album.
It answers a lot of the questions Strike Hard, Young Diamond asked, and presents new ones.
The leading single Born To Ruin is absolutely amazing with it’s high energetic alt-rock sound and it’s catchy singalong lyrics.
Dangerous Times & Two Hearts Race reminds me a of 1980s a-la kind of synth-rock songs.
While Don’t Fear is a 6 minute epic intense emotional mellow orchestral rock. (Sort of reminds me of Snow Patrol’s Run)
From the album title, you can say it is kind of a conceptual album.
The album is all about dealing with the heart, emotionally and psychically.
It’s a unique concept but at least the whole album is not about “heartache”.
This is a pretty solid rocking album!
Best tracks:
- Born to Ruin
- Bad Dreams
- Don’t Fear
- Dangerous Times
- Bonnie
- Lightning Tent
- Two Hearts Race
RIYL: Broken Social Scene, Bravestation, Hollerado and Arkells.
I’d give …On The Heart a 10/10.